Friday 1 April 2011

Our day in the hospital

I can't believe I only wrote an update yesterday and now have to write a new one...

Today William had a seizure at nursery and they had to call an ambulance for him.  I got to the nursery while the paramedics were dealing with him and they were giving him oxygen.  They took us both in the ambulance to A&E just incase as it was his first seizure since he was in SCBU 2 years ago!

Its bad enough that William had a seizure but to make things worse we then had to go through all his medical history with the paramedics, then again with the A&E nurse, then again with the A&E doctor, all of whom took detailed notes about his history and the meds he was on, why don't they just read what the person before has written and ask any questions afterwards for god sake!

They monitored him a bit and then sent us up to the childrens ward where guess what... we had to tell yet another nurse all of his medical history and again list the medications he was on even though they not only had the notes from A&E but also his medical file from the CDC by then.  Then we waited and waited and waited and finally a doctor came to see us... guess what she asked??  Yep she again asked for his full medical history and again we had to list his medications!  Honestly I feel like we've not only just had to deal with the trauma of William having a seizure but have had to relive everything that has happened since I was in theatre having a c-section!  I can't understand why they bother to have notes if they dont even look at them!
So anyway, we eventually had a visit from Dr Shute who was surprisingly nice and helpful.  She has changed the doses of two of his medicines and also prescribed a rescue medication incase he has a seizure again.  Then we had another nice long wait for the pharmacy to give the meds out, by which time I was about to lose it at them coz the whole day had been so long winded and stressful!

William is fine now, very tired and already gone to bed which is good, lets hope he sleeps all night long coz he needs it!  He was so good with all the waiting around and all the people prodding him and poking him, I am very proud of him for being so well behaved even though he was shattered.

Anyway, thats my moan over.  William is ok and thats really all that matters!
We were in the hospital from about 11 until 5.30 and poor little william didnt even get offered any food on the ward, we had nothing with us as we'd come straight from nursery and I didnt even have a clean nappy with us.  I can't believe they have kids in there all day long and don't even offer them something to eat, its just ridiculous!

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