Monday 22 August 2011

Well its been a few weeks since we came home from our Brainwave visit and things have been going quite well.

The therapy itself is quite hard work for William and for us but William is adapting well and was tolerating most of the positions very well.  The only one we've really been struggling with is the rolling on his back but other than that he's been ok.

Only problem is he's put on so much weight with his gastrostomy that he's outgrown the meds he takes to calm down his dystonia so the past week or so he's been so dystonic we've struggled to do any of the exercises.  But the medications been adjusted so over the next 2 weeks we'll be gradually building it up to try and get on top of the movements so we can get back to the therapy!  He was doing so well :(

But great news that he's putting on weight, in actual fact he's been putting it on so quickl we've now had to reduce the amount of feed he is being given!  But the best news of all is that he is now tolerating one solid meal a day!  Yesterday he actually managed dinner and pudding!  Its great as it wasnt long ago that he'd have one spoonful an vomit straight away!  Well done William!

He's been back at his old "mainstream" nursery over the summer holidays and has been getting on really well there - so well that I am going to keep him there for one session a week hopefully!  He loves the girls there and they keep him very well entertained!

My Nan, Williams Great-Grandma, was very generous this week and has brought William an iPad as he loves looking at my iPhone so much!  He loves it!  We've set up all his music on there along with his photos and now we can put him to bed awake and he watches it until he goes to sleep.  Hopefully as he learns new skills he will be able to use it to communicate with us as well!

I've saved the best news for last though which is that we went to our multi this week and William had his eyes checked for the first time in a year and she was extremely impressed.  We thought his vision had improved but as we were told he wouldnt be able to tell the difference between us and the neighbour we wondered if it was just us being his parents thinking that it had got better.  But no, it turns out even the professionals think it has!!  Yipeee!!  Way to go William!  All that sensory stimulation obviously worked then!!

We've now got a new website as well where we'll be updating our fundraising events and there is a link on there to get to this blog so its easier than typing the long winded address you need to get here!

The address is