William was born 3 weeks early in February 2009 and suffered from a lack of oxygen which caused brain damage. The result of this is that he now has quadraplegic cerebral palsy, epilepsy and visual impairment.
Its easier to tell you the things he cannot do than the things he can as there are many milestones he has yet to reach, but we are sure one day he will!
At the moment, William cannot sit unaided, he can't stand, walk, talk, use his hands, coordinate his body to move. He is completel immobile and cannot even roll over without assistance.
BUT he can smile, laugh and make everyone around him very happy!
He is our little boy and we wouldnt change him for the world!
This blog is to share my experiences of bringing up William and to document his development.
You can contact us through our website http://www.pleasehelpustohelpwilliam.com/ if you have any feedback or want to know any more about us or William!