Firstly, sorry for it being so long since my last post, time just flies when things are going well! And trust me, they are going well! As it’s been so long since the last update I am not entirely sure where to begin but I will try my best to fill you in on everything!
So back in March I posted that William had been poorly with a chest infection, well in April he got another one which resulted in him being admitted to the children’s ward for 2 nights. He was very poorly and the anti-biotics once again made him worse to the point that he couldn’t keep any of his feeds down and was sick quite a lot. So as he was starting to lose weight we decided to try him on solid food rather than keep pumping him full of the milk that was just coming straight back out - my logic was that solid (pureed) food was heavier so would stay down for longer! Anyway, it worked and we ended up going home the following day.
I wasn’t brave enough to try him back on the milk feeds as he seemed to be doing so well with the pureed foods without being sick. After a couple of days of pureed foods and no milk feeds we noticed that William hadn’t had any seizures and then realised that he'd not had once since the day we took him off the milk. This continued for a few more days and a few more days after that, it is now July 2nd and Williams not had a seizure since April 30th - the last time he had the milk feed!
Now I am sure it was the milk that was causing the problems, after all I have been convinced he's been in pain from milk for the last 3 years and have mentioned it to the doctors since he was a baby. When you are in pain your seizure threshold is much lower and if you are susceptible to seizures anyway then it’s obviously only going to make you more likely to have one! He may be allergic and that may have been the reaction it caused but the doctors think it unlikely and the only way to know for sure is to put him back on the milk which is NOT going to happen! So now William just has pureed meals, a dairy free diet and we use his gastrostomy for water and medication.
But not only have his seizures stopped, he is a completely different little boy. He is eating so well, hardly ever gagging compared to before when he would struggle with every mouthful he can now eat a full meal and pudding in one sitting no problem.
His tone is completely different, he’s much more floppy than he used to be which is good and bad as it means he has less tone in his muscles to help his to try to sit etc. but isn’t extending so much and getting so stiff. He is far happier in his chair, sleeps for longer and is much easier to cuddle and play with now! All because of some stupid milk!?!
Because he is now much happier in his own body and more comfy, we have finally been able to order him a wheelchair - a standard buggy type one (called a Snappi) which we hope to have in the next few weeks but knowing what our local wheelchair service is like it is probably more like months!
Something else very exciting happened to William in May, he met the one and only Simon Cowell at Chestnut Tree House! Yes this photo is real, he may look like a wax work but it really was Simon and he was very nice. William loved him and wanted to go home in his helicopter!
William also now has glasses! He looks very intelligent in them and actually likes to wear them so they must be making a difference to him. We’ve noticed that since he has got them he is much more observant even when he’s not wearing them, follows us around the room and looks around being very nosey!
We went on holiday to Lanzarote last month and William loved it. We flew with Monarch who were great, they provided a special chair on the plane for William which he managed to sit in for the whole flight and the assistance at the airports was great as well. The holiday was brilliant, William was so well behaved it was great. He loved sunbathing and had a great time in the evenings eating in the restaurants and trying our desserts - on one occasion he ate most of it, cheeky monkey!
He also has a splint on his hand to try and help him to turn it the right way as he was always turning it back on himself, this is a very new thing so as yet we don’t know how well it will work but it seemed to make a difference within the first 5 minutes!
We have been for a lycra fitting and are just waiting on a few last minute adjustments so that William will have a new lycra suit. Last time he had one he was very stiff and it just increased his tone but now he is more floppy we hope it will increase his tone for the better! He had a fitting last week and as soon as it was on he was lying much straighter and happier so fingers crossed. It’s just a pain when we have to change his nappy etc. as it’s so tight!
Talking of nappies - William has started to use the toilet!! Amazing!! So we are fitting him his own loo in his new bathroom and waiting on a special toilet seat from the equipment service!
Williams also now had his gastrostomy tube changed from a peg - where the tube is hanging from the site permanently - to a mini button - where there is a small plug which looks like something off a lilo which you plug a tube into when you need it. It is much more comfy for William as it’s smaller and there’s not a tube in the way all the time! It was such a quick procedure as well; we were in the hospital by 7.30am but home before lunch the same day!

This is William painting at nursery which he seems love!
Williams new bedroom and bathroom are coming along very well, we are at the stage where it will be plastered next week and then hopefuls should be finished and he will be moved in there by Christmas as he is getting so heavy to carry up and down the stairs all the time now.
We are still waiting on a standing frame assessment which is finally booked for this month so hopefully at some stage in the next few months william will finally be standing! We've also got an appointment about his hips this month, only been waiting since October!! Williams right leg is quite noticably shorter than his left now so there is definately a problem with his hip, I'd hope it would be correctable without surgery but I somehow doubt it :(
Best thing of all in the last few months is that William is happy and he laughs every day at the smallest things, noises mainly!
We are just back from a weekend in Norfolk where we were at a family wedding, William had a lovely time and was very good, the only bit he didnt like was the DJ but wedding DJs are always a bit dodgy arent they! He wore a lovely suit to match his Daddy, didnt they look smart!!
Unfortunately, William is poorly again today, hopefully it won't become serious like usual but theres a lot of coughing going on so we are off to get it checked out by a doctor! Must be all the partying!!
So I think thats us up to date now but if I think of anything else I will update this again and hopefully it wont be so long until the next blog update next time! Thanks for reading! x
Lovely hear about you and your family! William is absolutely gorgeous! xx