Friday, 8 April 2011

A weight off my shoulders...

What a week!  After last weeks seizure drama William wasn't too good for a few days, just very lethargic and cuddly.  He also started being sick during pretty much every meal which isnt good as he's already losing weight.  So on Thursday we had to bite the bullet and William had an nasogastric tube put in to feed through.

It sounds much more horrific than it is but basically its a long thin tube passed up his nose and down into his stomach.  We can then feed him a liquid feed through either a pump or syringe into the tube. He was so brave when they put the tube in, hardly fussed at all and only cried coz the stupid nurse put her hand over his eye!! He was amazing and I am really proud of him!

We had our first feed at home last night and it was like a weight had been lifted off me, William was relaxed, just sat on my lap getting his tummy filled and was really content.  BUT then came time for medication, now this can go into the tube but because it was all new to me I thought I'd just give it to him orally as usual...BIG MISTAKE!  He proceeded to gag which lead to projectile vomit all over me, him, the walls, the floor and even the dog!

So we won't make that mistake again!

This morning he had his tube feed in bed while we had our cups of tea and watched Daybreak and it was such a lovely relaxed time for all of us, so different to the nightmare of feeding we've had for the past 2 years! And now he's at nursery ready to have some more at snack time!

He can still eat solid food but needs to have a lot of the high energy liquid feed so we'll probably stick to feeding him cereal with the milk on it and then just tasty things like chocolate etc so we don't have to stress about him eating a full meal

I can honestly say that so far it feels like the best thing we could have done, William is really happy and relaxed, we are too and it feels like a sense of calm has arrived in our household finally!

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