Thought it was about time I did another update and wanted to start off with the amazing news from the facebook auction. We were absolutely astounded by everyones generosity and kindness and the way people got involved to spread the word about the auction and we are so so pleased to tell you all that although we don't have all the money in yet, the grand total at the moment is looking to be in the region of £1900!
That is just incredible, we set out to raise £525 to pay for Williams first session at The Brainwave Centre and this total will not only pay for that but will leave us with £1400 to cover his follow up sessions which are in the region of £280 each so about 5 sessions or 3 years worth of therapy in total! AMAZING!
So we want to say a huge thank you to every single person who donated to the auction, made a donation to the account, placed a bid, won an item, spread the word about the auction and just helped us along the way. Without you it would not have happened so we are very very grateful. We hope we can return the favour sometime by helping someone else who needs it.
The Brainwave centre appointment is at the end of July and we are really looking forward to it, a few people we know have been recently and have come back with really positive feedback so we are really keen. Unfortunately some of the 'professionals' don't seem to back it which is a shame as they probably don't have any real experience of how it works, but that doesn't stop them from sharing their negative opinions does it - one day I'm sure we'll meet a professional who can recommend something positive rather than turn every therapist or therapy other than themselves into something negative! Do they not think as parents we spend a lot of time researching things or are they under the impression that we just jump into things without thinking?! Sorry rant over - just makes me mad!!
William is getting on really well in general and is constantly happy and smiling at the mo which is great. He seems to be much more alert and is so interested in the world around him at the moment which is brilliant.
Eating wise he is still only being fed the high calorie milk which he is having via a syringe and that is working at the moment but he is still being sick occasionally. We had an appointment about his gastrostomy last week and he is now booked in to have the operation on June 15th which is only a few weeks away. The gastrostomy is definitely going to make a massive difference to him and take the stress off with his eating and medications but it is very scary and involves an operation and hospital stay which is not a nice prospect.
We also had a really good seating assessment at Chailey this week. They tried him in a few different seats and he couldn't tolerate them so they decided to try a moulded seat. It worked by getting William into a comfy seating position that he could tolerate in a special beanbag, once they'd got him comfy and he seemed happy they sucked all the air out of it so the beans formed a rigid cast. It was amazing, he sat in the cast for over 1/2 an hour with no straps. he had a special headrest which went around his neck like those cushions you have on an aeroplane and he didn't push back at all. He was lovely to watch as he seemed to be really surprise and pleased with himself for sitting on his own without an adult having to help him - very proud of him!
The engineer will now use the beanbag seat to make a cast from which a foam seat can be carved out for William. That will then be fitted into his chair and if it is successful can also be put onto a buggy or wheelchair base. It was so nice to have such a positive appointment and come out of there with the feeling that finally we might be getting somewhere! hopefully it wont take too long before William can try it out!
School for parents is going really well too, Williams tolerance of things is just increasing week by week and he seems to know the task series now, he knows what is going to happen next and what is expected of him. Unfortunately like any other 2 year old he doesn't always want to play along!!
So all in all a positive update - things are going well at the moment - long may it continue!
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